The EPSI platform is a technological and scientific platform dedicated to human experimentation and technological innovation, and is accredited as a biomedical research facility.

With a surface area of over 200 m2 and numerous unique tools (large-scale servo-controlled mats, immersion tank, on-board evaluation under ecological conditions, etc.), it supports fundamental and clinical research projects in physiology, pathophysiology, neuroscience, biomechanics, nutrition, behavior and epidemiology.

EPSI benefits both UFR Santé and U-sports teaching and research staff. It has numerous partnerships with companies and is open to regional, national and international cooperation. Its attachment to the Clinical Investigation Center of the Besançon University Hospital, and its collaborations with the FEMTO-ST Institute, the ISIFC and the ENSMM, are key elements in its capacity to develop and evaluate equipment for sports or medical use, as well as the human interface with this equipment.

Plus d'informations : https://sites.google.com/view/plateforme-epsi


UFR SANTE 19 rue Ambroise Paré Plateforme Exercice Performance Santé innovation (EPSI) – Bâtiment Socrate 25030 Besançon Cedex

Coordonnées :

Secrétariat : Sylvia POISSON ; (33) 03 63 08 23 24; sylvia.poisson@univ-fcomte.fr

Directeur : Laurent Mourot; (33) 03 63 08 23 21; laurent.mourot@univ-fcomte.fr