Amir Hajjam

Rédigé par Amir Hajjam Classé dans : Personnels Mots clés : aucun



Dr HDR CNU n°27

Mél :

Téléphone pro : 03 84 58 33 54

Equipe de recherche : Ingéniérie pour la santé


  • Médecine : -

  • Enseignement : Responsable de la formation d'ingénieurs sous statut apprenti en informatique - UTBM

  • Recherche : Directeur Adjoint NIT - UBFC

Liens vers site internet perso ou google scholar ou research gate ou linkedln …

Principaux thèmes de recherche :

- Intelligence artificielle

- Recherche opérationnelle

- Big Data

Principales publications des 5 dernières années

- Liu W., Dridi M., Fei H., Hajjam El Hassani A. "Mid-Term Home Health Care Planning Problem with Flexible Departing Way for Caregivers." In book: Rout M., Rout J., Das H. (eds) Nature Inspired Computing for Data Science. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol SCI 871. Springer, 2020.

- Anna Karen Gárate-Escamilla, Amir Hajjam El Hassani, Emmanuel Andrès "Big data execution time based on Spark Machine Learning Libraries", in Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Conference on Cloud and Big Data Computing, pp 78–83,, 2019.

- Anna Karen Gárate-Escamilla, Amir Hajjam El Hassani, Emmanuel Andrès "Dimensionality Reduction in Supervised Models-based for Heart Failure Prediction", in ICPRAM 2019, DOI:10.5220/0007313703880395, 2019.

- Anna Karen Garate Escamilla, Amir Hajjam El Hassani, Emmanuel Andres " A Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques to Predict the Risk of Heart Failure", in book: Machine Learning Paradigms: Applications of Learning and Analytics in Intelligent Systems, pp 9-26, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-15628-2, SPRINGER, 2019.

- Zulfiqar AA, Hajjam A, Gény B, Talha S, Hajjam M, Hajjam J, Ervé S, Andrès E. "Telemedicine and Cardiology in the Elderly in France: Inventory of Experiments.", in Adv Prev Med. 2019 Jan 21;2019:2102156, doi: 10.1155/2019/2102156, 2019.

- Andrès E, Meyer L, Zulfiqar AA, Hajjam M, Talha S, Bahougne T, Ervé S, Hajjam J, Doucet J, Jeandidier N, Hajjam El Hassani A." Telemonitoring in diabetes: evolution of concepts and technologies, with a focus on results of the more recent studies.", in J Med Life. 2019 Jul-Sep;12(3):203-214. doi: 10.25122/jml-2019-0006, 2019.

- Zulfiqar AA, Kadri N, Doucet J, Hajjam A, Andrès E. "Geriatrics and e-technology in an institution", in Soins Gerontol. 2019 May - Jun;24(137):27-28. doi: 10.1016/j.sger.2019.03.008, 2019.

- Liyang Xiao, Mahjoub Dridi, Amir Hajjam El Hassani, Hongying Fei, Wanlong Lin "An Improved Cuckoo Search for a Patient Transportation Problem with Consideration of Reducing Transport Emissions", in Sustainability10(3), 793;, 2018.

- Tariq Lambachri Amir Hajjam El Hassani Emmanuel Andres " Aligning Pattern Extraction Algorithms for the Lambda Architecture", in Proceedings of the 2018 9th IEEE International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA), DOI: 10.1109/IISA.2018.8633698, 2018.

- Liyang Xiao, Mahjoub Dridi, Amir Hajjam El Hassani "Mathematical Model for the Home Health Care Scheduling and Routing Problem with Flexible Lunch Break Requirements", in Proceedings of the 2018 IFAC, Volume 51, Issue 11, 2018, Pages 334-339, DOI:

- Andrès E, Talha S, Hajjam M, Hajjam J, Ervé S, Hajjam A. "Experimentation of 2.0 telemedicine in elderly patients with chronic heart failure: A study prospective in 175 patients.", in Eur J Intern Med., 2018 May;51:e11-e12, doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2018.02.022, 2018.

- J Decerle, O Grunder, AH El Hassani, O Barakat " A memetic algorithm for a home health care routing and scheduling problem" Operations research for health care 16, 59-7, 2018

- Tariq Lambachri, Amir Hajjam El Hassani, Emmanuel Andres, Abderrahim Sekkaki "Stream processing in Big Data for e-health care", In book: Big Data Recommender Systems - Volume 2: Application Paradigms, pp.187-203, DOI: 10.1049/PBPC035G_ch1, 2018.

- J Decerle, O Grunder, AH El Hassani, O Barakat

"Impact of the workload definition on the multi-objective home health care problem", IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (11), 346-351, 2018.

- L Xiao, M Dridi, A Hajjam El Hassani, W Lin, H Fei "A solution method for treatment scheduling in rehabilitation hospitals with real-life requirements", IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, , 2018.

- J Decerle, O Grunder, AH El Hassani, O Barakat

"A general model for the home health care routing and scheduling problem with route balancing", IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 14662-14667, 2017.

- J. DECERLE, O. GRUNDER, A. HAJJAM, O. BARAKAT “A general model for the home health care routing and scheduling problem with route balancing”, 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, 2017.

- L Xiao, A Hajjam-El-Hassani, M Dridi "An application of extended cuckoo search to vehicle routing problem", 2017 International Colloquium on Logistics and Supply Chain Management, DOI: 10.1109/LOGISTIQUA.2017.7962869, 2017.

- A Hajjam El Hassani, AA Benyahia, E Andres, S Talha, MH El Hassani, V Hilaire

"Development and Application of a Generic Methodology for the Construction of a Telemonitoring System", Handbook of Large-Scale Distributed Computing in Smart Healthcare, 611-622, 2017.

- K Chaccour, R Darazi, AH El Hassani, E Andres "From fall detection to fall prevention: A generic classification of fall-related systems", IEEE Sensors Journal 17 (3), 812-82, 2017.

- K. CHACCOUR, H. AL ASSAAD, A. HAJJAM, R. DARAZI, E. ANDRES “Sway analysis and fall prediction method based on spatio-temporal sliding window technique”, HealthCom 2016, pp.1-6, Muniche, 2016.

- E. ANDRES, S. TALHA, M. HAJJAM, J. HAJJAM, S. ERVE, A. HAJJAM "Telemedicine to Monitor Elderly Patients with Chronic Diseases, with a Special Focus on Patients with Chronic Heart Failure". J Gerontol Geriatr Res 5: 311. doi:10.4172/2167-7182.1000311, 2016.

- L. XIAO, M. DRIDI, A. HAJJAM. "Optimal Scheduling in Home Health Care: Pharmacy-Hospital-Patient’s Vehicle Routing Problem" IEEE CALT 2016,Cracovie, 2016.

-J. DECERLE, O. GRUNDER, A. HAJJAM, O. BARAKAT. "A two-phases matheuristic for the home care routing and scheduling problem" In Proc MIM'16, Troyes, 2016.

- E. ANDRES, S. TALHA, M. HAJJAM, J. HAJJAM, S. ERVE, A. HAJJAM. "Home Care Security (HOCAS): A Telemedicine Project to Monitor Patients with Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation under Anticoagulation at Home." In British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, vol. 11(4) ISSN: 2231-0843. 2015.

- L. BENMIMOUNE, A. HAJJAM, P. GHODOUS, E. ANDRES, S. TALHA, Mohamed HAJJAM. "Ontology-Based Information Gathering System for Patients with Chronic Diseases: Lifestyle Questionnaire Design." In Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 9273 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 110-115, ISBN: 978-3-319-23485-4. ISSN: 0302- 9743. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23485-4, 2015.