1. Zeggari, R.; Manceau, J. F.; Aybeke, E. N.; Yahiaoui, R.; Lesniewska, E.; Boireau, W. Design and fabrication of an acoustic micromixer for biological media activation. In 28th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, Sberveglieri, G.; Ferrari, V., Eds. 2014; Vol. 87, pp 935-938.

2. Yusifli, E.; Yahiaoui, R.; Qaisar, S. M.; Gharbi, T.; Ieee. An FPGA Based Resources Efficient Solution for the OmniVision Digital VGA Cameras Family. 2014; p 558-561.

3. Yin, B.; Dridi, M.; El Moudni, A. Approximate Dynamic Programming for Traffic Signal Control at Isolated Intersection. In Modern Trends and Techniques in Computer Science, Silhavy, R.; Senkerik, R.; Oplatkova, Z. K.; Silhavy, P.; Prokopova, Z., Eds. 2014; Vol. 285, pp 369-381.

4. Yin, B.; Dridi, M.; El Moudni, A. Traffic Control Model and Algorithm Based on Decomposition of MDP. 2014; p 225-230.

5. Yan, F.; Wu, J.; Dridi, M.; Ieee. A Scheduling Model and Complexity Proof for Autonomous Vehicle Sequencing Problem at Isolated Intersections. 2014; p 78-83.

6. Wendling, D.; Stabile, A.; Guillot, X.; Boulahdour, H. Clinical Images: Positron emission tomography assessment for polymyalgia rheumatica. Arthritis & Rheumatology 2014, 66 (6), 1686-1686.

7. Wendling, D.; Blagosklonov, O.; Boulahdour, H.; Prati, C. Positron emission tomography: The ideal tool in polymyalgia rheumatica? Joint Bone Spine 2014, 81 (5), 381-383.

8. Wang, D. Y.; Grunder, O.; El Moudni, A. Using genetic algorithm for lot sizing and scheduling problem with arbitrary job volumes and distinct job due date considerations. International Journal of Systems Science 2014, 45 (8), 1694-1707.

9. Uhring, J.; Rey, P. B.; Rochet, S.; Obert, L. Interest of emergency arthroscopic stabilization in primary shoulder dislocation in young athletes. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2014, 100 (8), S401-S408.

10. Sproul, A. A.; Jacob, S.; Pre, D.; Kim, S. H.; Nestor, M. W.; Navarro-Sobrino, M.; Santa-Maria, I.; Zimmer, M.; Aubry, S.; Steele, J. W.; Kahler, D. J.; Dranovsky, A.; Arancio, O.; Crary, J. F.; Gandy, S.; Noggle, S. A. Characterization and Molecular Profiling of PSEN1 Familial Alzheimer's Disease iPSC-Derived Neural Progenitors. Plos One 2014, 9 (1).

11. Skandrani, N.; Barras, A.; Legrand, D.; Gharbi, T.; Boulahdour, H.; Boukherroub, R. Lipid nanocapsules functionalized with polyethyleneimine for plasmid DNA and drug co-delivery and cell imaging. Nanoscale 2014, 6 (13), 7379-7390.

12. Sigmann, M. H.; Delabrousse, E.; Riethmuller, D.; Runge, M.; Peyron, C.; Aubry, S. An evaluation of the EOS X-ray imaging system in pelvimetry. Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging 2014, 95 (9), 833-838.

13. Schneider, A.; Blanc, S.; Bonnard, A.; Khen-Dunlop, N.; Auber, F.; Breton, A.; Podevin, G.; Sfeir, R.; Fouquet, V.; Jacquier, C.; Lemelle, J. L.; Lavrand, F.; Becmeur, F.; Petit, T.; Poli-Merol, M. L.; Elbaz, F.; Merrot, T.; Michel, J. L.; Hossein, A.; Lopez, M.; Habonimana, E.; Pelatan, C.; De Lagausie, P.; Buisson, P.; de Vries, P.; Gaudin, J.; Lardy, H.; Borderon, C.; Borgnon, J.; Jaby, O.; Weil, D.; Aubert, D.; Geiss, S.; Breaud, J.; Echaieb, A.; Languepin, J.; Laplace, C.; Pouzac, M.; Lefebvre, F.; Gottrand, F.; Michaud, L. Results from the French National Esophageal Atresia register: one-year outcome. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2014, 9.

14. Rey, P. B.; Rochet, S.; Loisel, F.; Obert, L. Technical note: How to spare the pronator quadratus during MIPO of distal radius fractures by using a mini-volar plate. Chirurgie De La Main 2014, 33 (2), 95-99.

15. Rey, P. B.; Jardin, E.; Uhring, J.; Obert, L. Is there any correlation between the strength of pronation and supination of the dominant hand and that of the non-dominant one in right-handed healthy adults: Preliminary results. Chirurgie De La Main 2014, 33 (1), 17-22.

16. Revel, L.; Lubrano, J.; Badet, N.; Manzoni, P.; Degano, S. V.; Delabrousse, E. Preoperative diagnosis of gangrenous acute cholecystitis: usefulness of CEUS. Abdominal Imaging 2014, 39 (6), 1175-1181.

17. Ramanah, R.; Dumont, A.; Schepens, F.; Traore, M.; Gaye, A.; Schaal, J. P.; Riethmuller, D.; Rude, N. Satisfaction with obstetrical care: Development and validation of a scale on quality of care. Gynecologie Obstetrique & Fertilite 2014, 42 (7-8), 477-482.

18. Porot, C.; Knapp, J.; Wang, J. H.; Germain, S.; Camporese, D.; Seimbille, Y.; Boulahdour, H.; Vuitton, D. A.; Gottstein, B.; Blagosklonov, O.; Ieee. Development of a Specific Tracer for Metabolic Imaging of Alveolar Echinococcosis: a Preclinical Study. In 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2014; pp 5587-5590.

19. Pluvy, I.; Bellidenty, L.; Ferry, N.; Benassarou, M.; Tropet, Y.; Pauchot, J. Abdominal perforator flap (DIEP) and autologous latissimus dorsi in breast reconstruction. A retrospective comparative study about the first 60 cases of a same surgeon. Annales De Chirurgie Plastique Esthetique 2014, 59 (2), 103-114.

20. Perronnet, F.; Abbas-Turki, A.; El Moudni, A.; Ieee. Vehicle Routing through Deadlock-free Policy for Cooperative Traffic Control in a Network of Intersections: Reservation and Congestion. 2014; p 2233-2238.

21. Pegard, C.; Gallazzini-Crepin, C.; Giai, J.; Dubreuil, J.; Caoduro, C.; Desruet, M. D.; Roux, J.; Calizzano, A.; Fagret, D.; Lamesa, C.; Boulahdour, H.; Vuillez, J. P. Study of inter- and intra-observer reproducibility in the interpretation of F-18 choline PET/CT examinations in patients suffering from biochemically recurrent prostate cancer following curative treatment. Ejnmmi Research 2014, 4.

22. Mubiri, M. A.; Peycelon, M.; Audry, G.; Auber, F. Hypnosis as an effective management of a child with posttraumatic stress disorder after perineal trauma. Archives De Pediatrie 2014, 21 (6), 624-627.

23. Mottet, N.; Guillaume, M.; Martin, A.; Ramanah, R.; Riethmuller, D. Birth weight discordance in dichorionic twins: Diagnosis, obstetrical and neonatal prognosis. Gynecologie Obstetrique & Fertilite 2014, 42 (9), 572-578.

24. Martin, M.; Mougin, C.; Pretet, J. L.; Gill, H.; Meaux-Ruault, N.; Puzenat, E.; Ramanah, R.; Aubin, F.; Touze, A.; Coursaget, P.; Jacquin, E.; Magy-Bertrand, N. Screening of human papillomavirus infection in women with systemic sclerosis. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2014, 32 (6), S145-S148.

25. Makoudi, Y.; Beyer, M.; Jeannoutot, J.; Picaud, F.; Palmino, F.; Cherioux, F. Supramolecular self-assembly of brominated molecules on a silicon surface. Chemical Communications 2014, 50 (43), 5714-5716.

26. Loisel, F.; Bonin, S.; Jeunet, L.; Pauchot, J.; Tropet, Y.; Obert, L. Woodworking injuries: A comparative study of work-related and hobby-related accidents. Chirurgie De La Main 2014, 33 (5), 325-329.

27. Liu, W. Y.; Delabrousse, E.; Blagosklonov, O.; Wang, J.; Zeng, H. C.; Jiang, Y.; Wang, J.; Qin, Y. D.; Vuitton, D. A.; Wen, H. Innovation in hepatic alveolar echinococcosis imaging: best use of old tools, and necessary evaluation of new ones. Parasite 2014, 21.

28. Li, J. J.; Dridi, M.; El-Moudni, A.; Ieee. Multi-Vehicles Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory Based On The Augmented Lagrangian Genetic Algorithm. 2014; p 2434-2439.

29. LePage, D. P.; Jernigan, K. K.; Bordenstein, S. R. The relative importance of DNA methylation and Dnmt2-mediated epigenetic regulation on Wolbachia densities and cytoplasmic incompatibility. Peerj 2014, 2.

30. Le Page, D. This week's questions. New Scientist 2014, 223 (2978), 57-57.

31. Laurent, R.; Nallet, A.; Obert, L.; Nicod, L.; Gindraux, F. Storage and qualification of viable intact human amniotic graft and technology transfer to a tissue bank. Cell and Tissue Banking 2014, 15 (2), 267-275.

32. Laurent, G. J.; Delettre, A.; Zeggari, R.; Yahiaoui, R.; Manceau, J. F.; Le Fort-Piat, N. Micropositioning and Fast Transport Using a Contactless Micro-Conveyor. Micromachines 2014, 5 (1), 66-80.

33. Kastler, A.; Manzoni, P.; Chapuy, S.; Cattin, F.; Billon-Grand, C.; Aubry, S.; Biondi, A.; Thiriez, G.; Kastler, B. Transfontanellar contrast enhanced ultrasound in infants: Initial experience. Journal of Neuroradiology 2014, 41 (4), 251-258.

34. Kastler, A.; Cadel, G.; Comte, A.; Gory, G.; Piccand, V.; Tavernier, L.; Kastler, B. Alcohol percutaneous neurolysis of the sphenopalatine ganglion in the management of refractory cranio-facial pain. Neuroradiology 2014, 56 (7), 589-596.

35. Kastler, A.; Alnassan, H.; Aubry, S.; Kastler, B. Microwave Thermal Ablation of Spinal Metastatic Bone Tumors. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology 2014, 25 (9), 1470-1475.

36. Kardous, F.; Yahiaoui, R.; Aoubiza, B.; Manceau, J. F. Acoustic mixer using low frequency vibration for biological and chemical applications. Sensors and Actuators a-Physical 2014, 211, 19-26.

37. Joussain, C.; Parratte, B.; Gremeaux, V.; Dompeyre, P. Clinical and paraclinical evaluations of bladder sensory. Review of the literature. Progres En Urologie 2014, 24 (8), 495-500.

38. Jouannic, G.; Walter-Simonnet, A. V.; Bossuet, G.; Develle, A. L.; Delabrousse, E.; Loup, C. Original Detection Methods for Tephra Layers and Cryptotephras. In Strati 2013, Rocha, R.; Pais, J.; Kullberg, J. C.; Finney, S., Eds. 2014; pp 1237-1241.

39. Jolly, D.; Ambrosi, P.; Chaffanjon, P.; Dreyfuss, D.; Le Jeunne, C.; Lorette, G.; Obert, L.; Palombi, O.; Romanet, J. P. Results of the 2013 national ranking in France. Presse Medicale 2014, 43 (7-8), 865-867.

40. Jardin, E.; Uhring, J.; Rey, P. B.; Ferrier, M.; Obert, L. Snowblower injuries to the hand. Chirurgie De La Main 2014, 33 (4), 272-278.

41. Jacquot, A.; Poussange, N.; Charrissoux, J. L.; Clavert, P.; Obert, L.; Pidhorz, L.; Sirveaux, F.; Mansat, P.; Fabre, T. Usefulness and reliability of two- and three-dimensional computed tomography in patients older than 65 years with distal humerus fractures. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2014, 100 (3), 275-280.

42. Henault, B.; Pluvy, I.; Pauchot, J.; Sinna, R.; Labruere-Chazal, C.; Zwetyenga, N. Capillary measurement of lactate and glucose for free flap monitoring. Annales De Chirurgie Plastique Esthetique 2014, 59 (1), 15-21.

43. Hammoudan, Z.; Grunder, O.; Boudouh, T.; Moudni, A. A branch and bound algorithm for one supplier and multiple heterogeneous customers to solve a coordinated scheduling problem. 2014; p 213-218.

44. Hakem, D.; Boudjelida, A.; Lassouaoui, S.; Ibrir-Khati, M.; Medaoud, S.; Hamadane, A.; Yahiaoui, R.; Slimani, N.; Ouadahi, N.; Berrah, A.; Boughrarou, R.; Ayat, S.; Mansouri, B. DEATH IN SYSTEMIC SCLEROSIS. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2014, 32 (2), S102-S102.

45. Hakem, D.; Boudjelida, A.; Lassouaoui, S.; Ibrir, M.; Slimani, N.; Yahiaoui, R.; Benoui, Z.; Benidir, M.; Salah, S. S.; Ouadahi, N.; Berrah, A. SSC CLINICAL PROFILE OBSERVED IN A SINGLE INTERNAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENT. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2014, 32 (2), S105-S105.

46. Grenouillet, F.; Umhang, G.; Arbez-Gindre, F.; Mantion, G.; Delabrousse, E.; Millon, L.; Boue, F. Echinococcus ortleppi Infections in Humans and Cattle, France. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2014, 20 (12), 2100-2102.

47. Geneste, A.; Guillaume, Y. C.; Magy-Bertrand, N.; Lethier, L.; Gharbi, T.; Andre, C. The protease activity of transthyretin reverses the effect of pH on the amyloid-beta protein/heparan sulfate proteoglycan interaction: A biochromatographic study. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 2014, 97, 88-96.

48. Fontana, R. M.; Fontana, I. M.; Garbuio, P. A. D.; Reinehr, S.; Malucelli, A. Processes versus people: How should agile software development maturity be defined? Journal of Systems and Software 2014, 97, 140-155.

49. Feuvrier, D.; Loisel, F.; Pauchot, J.; Obert, L. Emergency repair of extensor tendon central slip defects with Oberlin's bypass technique: Feasibility and results in 4 cases with more than 5 years of follow-up. Chirurgie De La Main 2014, 33 (5), 315-319.

50. Duverger, E.; Gharbi, T.; Delabrousse, E.; Picaud, F. Quantum study of boron nitride nanotubes functionalized with anticancer molecules. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16 (34), 18425-18432.

51. Drohomeretski, E.; da Costa, S. E. G.; de Lima, E. P.; Garbuio, P. A. D. Lean, Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma: an analysis based on operations strategy. International Journal of Production Research 2014, 52 (3), 804-824.

52. de Billy, B.; Gindraux, F.; Langlais, J. Osteotomy and fracture fixation in children and teenagers. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2014, 100 (1), S139-S148.

53. Courvoisier, A.; Sailhan, F.; Laffenetre, O.; Obert, L.; French Study Grp, B. M. P. O. S. Bone morphogenetic protein and orthopaedic surgery: Can we legitimate its off-label use? International Orthopaedics 2014, 38 (12), 2601-2605.

54. Courivaud, C.; Roubiou, C.; Delabrousse, E.; Bresson-Vautrin, C.; Chalopin, J. M.; Ducloux, D. Polycystic kidney size and outcomes on peritoneal dialysis: comparison with haemodialysis. Clinical Kidney Journal 2014, 7 (2), 138-143.

55. Chehab, M.; Courjon, M.; Eckman-Lacroix, A.; Ramanah, R.; Maillet, R.; Riethmuller, D. Impact of a major decrease in the use of episiotomy on perineal tears in a level III maternity ward. Journal De Gynecologie Obstetrique Et Biologie De La Reproduction 2014, 43 (6), 463-469.

56. Chauchet, A.; Grenouillet, F.; Knapp, J.; Richou, C.; Delabrousse, E.; Dentan, C.; Millon, L.; Di Martino, V.; Contreras, R.; Deconinck, E.; Blagosklonov, O.; Vuitton, D. A.; Bresson-Hadni, S.; FrancEchino, N. Increased Incidence and Characteristics of Alveolar Echinococcosis in Patients With Immunosuppression-Associated Conditions. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2014, 59 (8), 1095-1104.

57. Chaput, B.; Garrido, I.; Pluvy, I.; Grolleau, J. L.; Mojallal, A. Free- Style Local Perforator Flaps: Versatility of the V- Y Design to Reconstruct Soft- Tissue Defects in the Skin Cancer Population. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2014, 133 (3), 432E-434E.

58. Cazorla, A.; Grenouillet, F.; Piton, G.; Faure, E.; Delabrousse, E.; Mathieu, P.; Viennet, G.; Kantelip, B.; Millon, L.; Valmary-Degano, S. A letal case of gastro-intestinal basidiobolomycosis. Annales De Pathologie 2014, 34 (3), 228-232.

59. Cazorla, A.; Felix, S.; Delabrousse, E.; Valmary-Degano, S. Primary hepatic angiosarcoma: A retrospective analysis of eight cases. Annales De Pathologie 2014, 34 (6), 462-468.

60. Cael, S.; Decavel, P.; Binquet, C.; Benaim, C.; Puyraveau, M.; Chotard, M.; Moulin, T.; Parratte, B.; Bejot, Y.; Mercier, M. The Stroke Impact Scale : Validation of the French Version. Quality of Life Research 2014, 23, 160-161.

61. Cabello-Aguilar, S.; Abou Chaaya, A.; Picaud, F.; Bechelany, M.; Pochat-Bohatier, C.; Yesylevskyy, S.; Kraszewski, S.; Bechelany, M. C.; Rossignol, F.; Balanzat, E.; Janot, J. M.; Miele, P.; Dejardin, P.; Balme, S. Experimental and simulation studies of unusual current blockade induced by translocation of small oxidized PEG through a single nanopore. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16 (33), 17883-17892.

62. Bourouina, H.; Yahiaoui, R.; Yusifli, E.; Benamar, M. E.; Sahar, A. Analytical modeling of mechanical behavior of structures: Comparative analysis, experimental validation and numerical correction with FEM of material defects generated by anisotropic etching. In Fdmd Ii - Jip 2014 - Fatigue Design & Material Defects, Buffiere, J. Y.; Brune, M.; Morel, F.; Nadot, Y., Eds. 2014; Vol. 12.

63. Besch, G.; Chopard-Guillemin, A.; Causeret, A.; Monnet, E.; Jurine, A.; Tavernier, L.; Samain, E.; Pili-Floury, S. Remifentanil-Propofol for anesthesia of the triple endoscopy of the upper airway during spontaneous ventilation: results of a randomized trial ENDOTANIL. Annales Francaises D Anesthesie Et De Reanimation 2014, 33, A258-A259.

64. Bellidenty, L.; Chastel, R.; Pluvy, I.; Pauchot, J.; Tropet, Y. Emergency free flap in reconstruction of the lower limb. Thirty-five years of experience. Annales De Chirurgie Plastique Esthetique 2014, 59 (1), 35-41.

65. Balme, S.; Thiele, D.; Kraszewski, S.; Picaud, F.; Janot, J. M.; Dejardin, P. Ionic selectivity of nystatin A1 confined in nanoporous track-etched polymer membrane. Iet Nanobiotechnology 2014, 8 (3), 138-142.

66. Andrieu, P.; Bonnans, V.; Meneses, J.; Millot, J. L.; Moulin, T.; Gharbi, T. A modular, computer-controlled system for olfactory stimulation in the MRI environment. Behavior Research Methods 2014, 46 (1), 178-184.

67. Alhedabi, T.; Herlem, G.; Cattey, H.; Blondeau-Patissier, V.; Gharbi, T. Electrosynthesis of Poly(alanine)-Like Peptides in Concentrated Alanine Based Electrolytes, Characterization Coupled to DFT Study and Application to pH Proton Receptor. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118 (43), 25041-25050.

68. Alemann, G.; Kastler, A.; Barbe, D. A.; Aubry, S.; Kastler, B. Treatment of Painful Extraspinal Bone Metastases with Percutaneous Bipolar Radiofrequency Under Local Anesthesia: Feasibility and Efficacy in Twenty-Eight Cases. Journal of Palliative Medicine 2014, 17 (8), 947-952.