1. Zhou, H. D.; Bouyekhf, R.; El Moudni, A. Modeling and entropy based control of urban transportation network. Control Engineering Practice 2013, 21 (10), 1369-1376.

2. Yin, B.; Dridi, M.; El Moudni, A.; Ieee. Markov Decision Process for traffic control at an isolated intersection. In 2013 Ieee 25th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2013; pp 789-794.

3. Yesylevskyy, S. O.; Kraszewski, S.; Picaud, F.; Ramseyer, C. Efficiency of the monofunctionalized C-60 fullerenes as membrane targeting agents studied by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. Molecular Membrane Biology 2013, 30 (5-6), 338-345.

4. Yan, F.; Dridi, M.; El Moudni, A. Autonomous vehicle sequencing problem for a multi-intersection network: a genetic algorithm approach. 2013; p 215-220.

5. Yan, F.; Dridi, M.; El Moudni, A. AN AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE SEQUENCING PROBLEM AT INTERSECTIONS: A GENETIC ALGORITHM APPROACH. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 2013, 23 (1), 183-200.

6. Yahiaoui, R.; Amrane, R. Epidemiological and clinical aspects of tuberculosis pleurisies. European Respiratory Journal 2013, 42.

7. Wang, D. Y.; Grunder, O.; El Moudni, A. Single-item production-delivery scheduling problem with stage-dependent inventory costs and due-date considerations. International Journal of Production Research 2013, 51 (3), 828-846.

8. Vives, S.; Meunier, C. Optical properties of copper modified sol-gel SiO2 thin films. Materials Letters 2013, 91, 165-169.

9. Thiele, D.; Kraszewski, S.; Balme, S.; Picaud, F.; Janot, J. M.; Dejardin, P. Structure and ionic selectivity of a hybrid polyene/artificial polymer solid state membrane. Soft Matter 2013, 9 (3), 684-691.

10. Sfeir, R.; Bonnard, A.; Khen-Dunlop, N.; Auber, F.; Gelas, T.; Michaud, L.; Podevin, G.; Breton, A.; Fouquet, V.; Piolat, C.; Lemelle, J. L.; Petit, T.; Lavrand, F.; Becmeur, F.; Polimerol, M. L.; Michel, J. L.; Elbaz, F.; Habonimana, E.; Allal, H.; Lopez, E.; Lardy, H.; Morineau, M.; Pelatan, C.; Merrot, T.; Delagausie, P.; de Vries, P.; Levard, G.; Buisson, P.; Sapin, E.; Jaby, O.; Borderon, C.; Weil, D.; Gueiss, S.; Aubert, D.; Echaieb, A.; Fourcade, L.; Breaud, J.; Laplace, C.; Pouzac, M.; Duhamel, A.; Gottrand, F. Esophageal atresia: Data from a national cohort. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2013, 48 (8), 1664-1669.

11. Rigaud, J.; Avances, C.; Camparo, P.; Durand, X.; Flechon, A.; Murez, T.; Sebe, P.; Coloby, P.; Culine, S.; Iborra, F.; Mottet, N.; Soulie, M.; Ccafu. CCAFU Recommendations 2013: Penile cancer. Progres En Urologie 2013, 24, S135-S144.

12. Riethmuller, D.; Ramanah, R.; Carcopino, X.; Leveque, J. The follow up of the vaccinated against HPV. Journal De Gynecologie Obstetrique Et Biologie De La Reproduction 2013, 42 (6), 525-533.

13. Ramanah, R.; Choffel, A.; Paget-Bailly, S.; Bonnetain, F. PREDICTIVE FACTORS FOR UPSTAGING LOW AND INTERMEDIATE RISK ENDOMETRIAL CARCINOMAS. International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2013, 23 (8).

14. Qaisar, S. M.; Yahiaoui, R.; Gharbi, T.; Ieee. An Efficient Signal Acquisition with an Adaptive Rate A/D Conversion. 2013; p 124-129.

15. Porot, C.; Knapp, J.; Wang, J.; Camporese, D.; Germain, S.; Boulahdour, H.; Seimbille, Y.; Gottstein, B.; Vuitton, D. A.; Blagosklonov, O. Alveolar Echinococcosis Metabolic Imaging: from In Vitro Testing to Small Animal Positron Emission Tomography. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2013, 40, S282-S282.

16. Picaud, F.; Kraszewski, S.; Ramseyer, C.; Balme, S.; Dejardin, P.; Janot, J. M.; Henn, F. Enhanced potassium selectivity in a bioinspired solid nanopore. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013, 15 (45), 19601-19607.

17. Peycelon, M.; Parmentier, B.; Raquillet, C.; Louvet, N.; Audry, G.; Auber, F. Video-assisted surgery in children: Current progress and future perspectives. Archives De Pediatrie 2013, 20 (5), 509-516.

18. Petegnief, Y. R.; Sabbah, R.; Lefort, M.; Perlongo, S.; Caoduro, C.; Frouin, F.; Boulahdour, H. Comparison of Gated Blood-Pool Ejection Fraction Techniques using a CZT SPECT system and a reference free ranking approach. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2013, 40, S176-S176.

19. Perronnet, F.; Abbas-Turki, A.; El-Moudni, A.; Buisson, J.; Zeo, R. Cooperative Vehicle-Actuator System: A sequence-based optimal solution algorithm as tool for evaluating policies. 2013; p 19-24.

20. Perronnet, F.; Abbas-Turki, A.; El Moudni, A.; Ieee. A Sequenced-Based Protocol to Manage Autonomous Vehicles at Isolated Intersections. In 2013 16th International Ieee Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems -, 2013; pp 1811-1816.

21. Pauchot, J.; Lachat, J.; Floret, F.; Badet, J. M.; Tavernier, L.; Aubry, S. Stereomodel-assisted fibula free flap harvest and mandibular reconstruction: A technical note. Literature review of CAS and CAM applied to mandibular reconstruction. Revue De Stomatologie De Chirurgie Maxillo-Faciale Et De Chirurgie Orale 2013, 114 (4), 269-275.

22. Obert, L.; Rey, P. B.; Uhring, J.; Gasse, N.; Rochet, S.; Lepage, D.; Serre, A.; Garbuio, P. Fixation of distal radius fractures in adults: A review. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2013, 99 (2), 216-234.

23. Obert, L.; Lepage, D.; Ferrier, M.; Tropet, Y. Rib Cartilage Graft for Posttraumatic or Degenerative Arthritis at Wrist Level: 10-Year Results. Journal of Wrist Surgery 2013, 2 (3), 234-238.

24. Obert, L.; Ferrier, M.; Jacquot, A.; Mansat, P.; Sirveaux, F.; Clavert, P.; Charissoux, J. L.; Pidhorz, L.; Fabre, T.; SoFcot. Distal humerus fractures in patients over 65: Complications. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2013, 99 (8), 909-913.

25. Neto, P. H. W.; Garbuio, P. W.; de Souza, N. M.; Delalibera, H. C.; Leitao, K. FRAGMENT SIZE OF CORN SILAGE ACCORDING TO THE DRY MATTER AND FORAGE HARVESTER ADJUSTMENTS. Engenharia Agricola 2013, 33 (4), 764-771.

26. Michel, F.; Decavel, P.; Tatu, L.; Aleton, E.; Monnier, G.; Parratte, B.; Toussirot, E. Piriformis Muscle Syndrome: Diagnostic Criteria and Treatment Of a Monocentric Series Of 250 Cases. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2013, 65, S904-S904.

27. Michaud, L.; Coutenier, F.; Podevin, G.; Bonnard, A.; Becmeur, F.; Khen-Dunlop, N.; Auber, F.; Maurel, A.; Gelas, T.; Dassonville, M.; Borderon, C.; Dabadie, A.; Weil, D.; Piolat, C.; Breton, A.; Djeddi, D.; Morali, A.; Bastiani, F.; Lamireau, T.; Gottrand, F. Characteristics and management of congenital esophageal stenosis: findings from a multicenter study. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2013, 8.

28. Martin, M.; Paquette, B.; Badet, N.; Sheppard, F.; Aubry, S.; Delabrousse, E. Spigelian hernia: CT findings and clinical relevance. Abdominal Imaging 2013, 38 (2), 260-264.

29. Lucas, G.; Bollini, G.; Jouve, J. L.; de Gauzy, J. S.; Accadbled, F.; Lascombes, P.; Journeau, P.; Karger, C.; Mallet, J. F.; Neagoe, P.; Cottalorda, J.; De Billy, B.; Langlais, J.; Herbaux, B.; Fron, D.; Violas, P. Complications in Pediatric Spine Surgery Using the Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib The French Experience. Spine 2013, 38 (25), E1589-E1599.

30. LePage, D.; Bordenstein, S. R. Wolbachia: Can we save lives with a great pandemic? Trends in Parasitology 2013, 29 (8), 385-393.

31. Laurent, R.; de Billy, B.; Nicod, L.; Layrolle, P.; Obert, L.; Gindraux, F. IMMUNOGENICITY AND OSTEOGENIC POTENTIAL OF HUMAN AMNIOTIC MEMBRANE : IN VITRO AND IN VIVO STUDIES. Wound Repair and Regeneration 2013, 21 (6), A72-A72.

32. Lakkis, Z.; Kim, S.; Delabrousse, E.; Jary, M.; Nguyen, T.; Mantion, G.; Heyd, B.; Lassabe, C.; Borg, C. Metronomic cyclophosphamide: An alternative treatment for hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma. Journal of Hepatology 2013, 58 (6), 1254-1257.

33. Kraszewski, S.; Duverger, E.; Ramseyer, C.; Picaud, F. Theoretical study of amino derivatives and anticancer platinum drug grafted on various carbon nanostructures. Journal of Chemical Physics 2013, 139 (17).

34. Kim, S.; Jary, M.; Mansi, L.; Benzidane, B.; Cazorla, A.; Demarchi, M.; Nguyen, T.; Kaliski, A.; Delabrousse, E.; Bonnetain, F.; Letondal, P.; Bosset, J. F.; Valmary-Degano, S.; Borg, C. DCF (docetaxel, cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil) chemotherapy is a promising treatment for recurrent advanced squamous cell anal carcinoma. Annals of Oncology 2013, 24 (12), 3045-3050.

35. Kastler, A.; Aubry, S.; Sailley, N.; Michalakis, D.; Siliman, G.; Gory, G.; Lajoie, J. L.; Kastler, B. CT-guided stellate ganglion blockade vs. radiofrequency neurolysis in the management of refractory type I complex regional pain syndrome of the upper limb. European Radiology 2013, 23 (5), 1316-1322.

36. Kastler, A.; Alnassan, H.; Pereira, P. L.; Alemann, G.; Barbe, D. A.; Aubry, S.; Tiberghien, F.; Kastler, B. Analgesic Effects of Microwave Ablation of Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors Under Local Anesthesia. Pain Medicine 2013, 14 (12), 1873-1881.

37. Kacimi, M.; Khennouf, K.; Yahiaoui, R.; Fissah, A.; Amrane, R. Etiology of spontaneous pneumothorax in Algiers: A retrospective study in Bab El Oued University Hospital. European Respiratory Journal 2013, 42.

38. Jolly, D.; Lorette, G.; Ambrosi, P.; Dreyfuss, D.; Chaffanjon, P.; Le Jeunne, C.; Obert, L.; Rogez, J. M. Results of the 2012 National Ranking in France. Presse Medicale 2013, 42 (7-8), 1138-1140.

39. Jacquin, E.; Baraquin, A.; Ramanah, R.; Carcopino, X.; Morel, A.; Valmary-Degano, S.; Bravo, I. G.; de Sanjose, S.; Riethmuller, D.; Mougin, C.; Pretet, J. L. Methylation of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 CpG Sites at E2-Binding Site 1 (E2BS1), E2BS2, and the Sp1-Binding Site in Cervical Cancer Samples as Determined by High-Resolution Melting Analysis-PCR. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2013, 51 (10), 3207-3215.

40. Ibrahim, F.; Andre, C.; Aljhni, R.; Gharbi, T.; Guillaume, Y. C. A molecular chromatographic approach to study the effects of OH center dot and NO on acetylcholinesterase activity. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic 2013, 94, 136-140.

41. Houvet, P.; Obert, L. Upper limb cumulative trauma disorders for the orthopaedic surgeon. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2013, 99 (1), S104-S114.

42. Herlem, G.; Ducellier, G.; Adragna, P. A.; Durupt, A.; Remy, S. A Reverse Engineering Method for DMU Maturity Management: Use of a Functional Reeb Graph. In Product Lifecycle Management for Society, Bernard, A.; Rivest, L.; Dutta, D., Eds. 2013; Vol. 409, pp 422-431.

43. Grunder, O.; Wang, D. Y.; El Moudni, A. Production scheduling problem with delivery considerations in a mono-product supply chain environment to minimise the total joint cost. European Journal of Industrial Engineering 2013, 7 (5), 615-634.

44. Godfrin-Valnet, M.; Godfrin, G.; Godard, J.; Prati, C.; Toussirot, E.; Michel, F.; Wendling, D. Eighteen cases of crowned dens syndrome: Presentation and diagnosis. Neurochirurgie 2013, 59 (3), 115-120.

45. Ghoumid, K.; Elhechmi, I.; Mekaoui, S.; Pieralli, C.; Gharbi, T. Analysis of optical filtering in waveguides with a high index modulation using the extended coupled mode theory by hybridization of a matrix method. Optics Communications 2013, 289, 85-91.

46. Gasse, N.; Luth, T.; Loisel, F.; Serre, A.; Obert, L.; Parratte, B.; Lepage, D. Comments on: "Fixation of split anterior tibialis tendon transfer by anchorage to the base of the 5th metatarsal bone" by N. Gasse, T. Luth, F. Loisel, A. Serre, L. Obert, B. Parratte, D. Lepage published in Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research 2012;98(7):829-33 Response. Orthopaedics & Traumatology-Surgery & Research 2013, 99 (4), 491-491.

47. Gannard-Pechin, E.; Ramanah, R.; Desmarets, M.; Maillet, R.; Riethmuller, D. Term breech presentations in singleton pregnancies: A continuous series of 418 cases. Journal De Gynecologie Obstetrique Et Biologie De La Reproduction 2013, 42 (7), 685-692.

48. Gallinet, D.; Adam, A.; Gasse, N.; Rochet, S.; Obert, L. Improvement in shoulder rotation in complex shoulder fractures treated by reverse shoulder arthroplasty. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2013, 22 (1), 38-44.

49. Ferry, N.; Lasserre, G.; Pauchot, J.; Lepage, D.; Tropet, Y. Characteristics of Dupuytren's disease in woman. A study of 67 cases. Annales De Chirurgie Plastique Esthetique 2013, 58 (6), 663-669.

50. Elhechmi, I.; Braga, J.; Dasgupta, G.; Gharbi, T. Accelerated measurement of perikymata by an optical instrument. Biomedical Optics Express 2013, 4 (10), 2124-2137.

51. El Amraoui, A.; Monier, M. A.; El Moudni, A.; Benrejeb, M. A genetic algorithm approach for a single hoist scheduling problem with time windows constraints. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 2013, 26 (7), 1761-1771.

52. El Amraoui, A.; Manier, M. A.; El Moudni, A.; Benrejeb, M. A linear optimization approach to the heterogeneous r-cyclic hoist scheduling problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering 2013, 65 (3), 360-369.

53. Durand, X.; Rigaud, J.; Avances, C.; Camparo, P.; Flechon, A.; Murez, T.; Sebe, P.; Culine, S.; Iborra, F.; Mottet, N.; Coloby, P.; Soulie, M.; Ccafu. CCAFU Recommendations 2013: Testicular germ cell cancer. Progres En Urologie 2013, 24, S145-S160.

54. Delabrousse, E.; Ferreira, F.; Badet, N.; Martin, M.; Zins, M. Diagnosis of acute colitis : How to get through ? Journal De Radiologie Diagnostique Et Interventionnelle 2013, 94 (7-8), 803-813.

55. de Vendin, C.; Eydant, Y.; Ecochard, R.; Lorin, S.; Lacroix, B.; Lardon, R.; Mottet, N. Preoperative endorectal MRI in prostate cancer: A monocentric retrospective cohort. Progres En Urologie 2013, 23 (16), 1412-1418.

56. Crolet, J. M.; Acciardo, S.; Racila, M.; de Billy, B. Dissecan osteochondritis of the elbow: a possible explanation with a numerical study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2013, 16, 234-235.

57. Clavier, A.; Kraszewski, S.; Ramseyer, C.; Picaud, F. Insertion kinetics of small nucleotides through single walled carbon nanotube. Journal of Biotechnology 2013, 164 (1), 13-18.

58. Chen, L. Y.; Ramanah, R.; Hsu, Y.; Ashton-Miller, J. A.; DeLancey, J. O. L. Cardinal and deep uterosacral ligament lines of action: MRI based 3D technique development and preliminary findings in normal women. International Urogynecology Journal 2013, 24 (1), 37-45.

59. Chauchet, A.; Grenouillet, F.; Knapp, J.; Richou, C.; Delabrousse, E.; Dentan, C.; Capelle, S.; Di Martino, V.; Deconinck, E.; Blagosklonov, O.; Vuitton, D. A.; Bresson-Hadni, S.; FrancEchino, N. EMERGENCE OF A NEW OPPORTUNISTIC INFECTION IN EUROPE: HEPATIC ALVEOLAR ECHINOCOCCOSIS. A FIFTY-CASE REPORT. Journal of Hepatology 2013, 58, S381-S381.

60. Caoduro, C.; Ungureanu, C. M.; Singeorzan, C. M.; Angoue, O.; Blagosklonov, O.; Boulahdour, H. Granulosa Cell Tumor of the Ovary With High FDG Uptake. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 2013, 38 (7), 553-556.

61. Caoduro, C.; Ungureanu, C. M.; Rudenko, B.; Angoue, O.; Blagosklonov, O.; Paycha, F.; Boulahdour, H. F-18-Fluoride PET/CT Aspect of an Unusual Case of Erdheim-Chester Disease With Histologic Features of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 2013, 38 (7), 541-542.

62. Caoduro, C.; Ungureanu, C.; Helias, P.; Angoue, O.; Blagosklonov, O.; Deconinck, E.; Boulahdour, H. Usefulness of 18F-FDG PET/CT in the initial staging of ocular adnexal lymphomas. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2013, 40, S372-S372.

63. Caoduro, C.; Porot, C.; Vuitton, D. A.; Bresson-Hadni, S.; Grenouillet, F.; Richou, C.; Boulahdour, H.; Blagosklonov, O. The Role of Delayed F-18-FDG PET Imaging in the Follow-up of Patients with Alveolar Echinococcosis. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2013, 54 (3), 358-363.

64. Caoduro, C.; Angoue, O.; Ungureanu, C. M.; Chavot, I.; Blagosklonov, O.; Boulahdour, H. "Hyperthyroidism": to treat or not to treat ? European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2013, 40, S385-S385.


66. Caoduro, C.; Angoue, O.; Boulahdour, H.; Toussirot, E. 18F -Fluoride PET/CT Assessment In Patients Responding To The ASAS Criteria For Spondyloarthritis Despite Negative Sacroiliac Joint MRI. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2013, 65, S1044-S1044.

67. Brioude, F.; Lacoste, A.; Netchine, I.; Vazquez, M. P.; Auber, F.; Audry, G.; Gauthier-Villars, M.; Brugieres, L.; Gicquel, C.; Le Bouc, Y.; Rossignol, S. Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome: Growth Pattern and Tumor Risk according to Molecular Mechanism, and Guidelines for Tumor Surveillance. Hormone Research in Paediatrics 2013, 80 (6), 457-465.

68. Bourtembourg, A.; Mangin, M.; Ramanah, R.; Maillet, R.; Riethmuller, D. Breech delivery and scarred uterus: A special obstetrical situation? Journal De Gynecologie Obstetrique Et Biologie De La Reproduction 2013, 42 (4), 351-358.

69. Boeckstyns, M. E. H.; Herzberg, G.; Sorensen, A. I.; Axelsson, P.; Kroner, K.; Liverneaux, P. A.; Obert, L.; Merser, S. Can Total Wrist Arthroplasty Be an Option in the Treatment of the Severely Destroyed Posttraumatic Wrist? Journal of Wrist Surgery 2013, 2 (4), 324-329.

70. Berthet, L.; Porot, C.; Manzoni, P.; Caoduro, C.; Ungureanu, C.; Harache, B.; Angoue, O.; Yannaraki, M.; Boulahdour, H. Detection of pleuroperitoneal communication as a complication of peritoneal dialysis: peritoneal scintigraphy or peritoneal CEUS? European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2013, 40, S105-S106.

71. Berthet, L.; Magnin, E.; Porot, C.; Ungureanu, C.; Caoduro, C.; Angoue, O.; Ferreira, S.; Rumbach, L.; Vandel, P.; Boulahdour, H. rCBF SPECT in Logopenic Primary Progressive Aphasia: Initial Aspect and Evolution Over 5 Years. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2013, 40, S341-S341.

72. Bardonnet, K.; Vuitton, D. A.; Grenouillet, F.; Mantion, G. A.; Delabrousse, E.; Blagosklonov, O.; Miguet, J. P.; Bresson-Hadni, S. 30-yr course and favorable outcome of alveolar echinococcosis despite multiple metastatic organ involvement in a non-immune suppressed patient. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials 2013, 12.

73. Balme, S.; Picaud, F.; Kraszewski, S.; Dejardin, P.; Janot, J. M.; Lepoitevin, M.; Capomanes, J.; Ramseyer, C.; Henn, F. Controlling potassium selectivity and proton blocking in a hybrid biological/solid-state polymer nanoporous membrane. Nanoscale 2013, 5 (9), 3961-3968.

74. Aubry, S.; Risson, J. R.; Kastler, A.; Barbier-Brion, B.; Siliman, G.; Runge, M.; Kastler, B. Biomechanical properties of the calcaneal tendon in vivo assessed by transient shear wave elastography. Skeletal Radiology 2013, 42 (8), 1143-1150.

75. Aubry, S.; Pauchot, J.; Kastler, A.; Laurent, O.; Tropet, Y.; Runge, M. Preoperative imaging in the planning of deep inferior epigastric artery perforator flap surgery. Skeletal Radiology 2013, 42 (3), 319-327.

76. Auber, F.; Danzer, E.; Noche-Monnery, M. E.; Sarnacki, S.; Trugnan, G.; Boudjemaa, S.; Audry, G. Enteric Nervous System Impairment in Gastroschisis. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery 2013, 23 (1), 29-38.

77. Ahmane, M.; Abbas-Turki, A.; Perronnet, F.; Wu, J.; El Moudni, A.; Buisson, J.; Zeo, R. A. Modeling and controlling an isolated urban intersection based on cooperative vehicles. Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies 2013, 28, 44-62.

78. Abou Chaaya, A.; Le Poitevin, M.; Cabello-Aguilar, S.; Balme, S.; Bechelany, M.; Kraszewski, S.; Picaud, F.; Cambedouzou, J.; Balanzat, E.; Janot, J. M.; Thami, T.; Miele, P.; Dejardin, P. Enhanced Ionic Transport Mechanism by Gramicidin A Confined Inside Nanopores Tuned by Atomic Layer Deposition. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013, 117 (29), 15306-15315.