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Highly Cited Articles -2021

Rédigé par Lab SINERGIES Classé dans : Events Mots clés : aucun

🌞Highly Cited Articles -2021🌞Feature Paper🌞Review
👋Views 7114 Citations 34
"Applications of hashtagHumanAmnioticMembrane for hashtagTissueEngineering"
by Florelle Gindraux
from UBFC - Université Bourgogne-Franche-Comtéé, et al.
Here, this paper reviews hAM properties as a biocompatible and degradable scaffold. Its use strategies (i.e., alone or combined with cells, cell seeding) and its degradation rate are also presented.

Première publication de NIT sur le Covid19. Article publié dans la 1ère revue mondiale de radiologie

Rédigé par Lab SINERGIES Classé dans : Events Mots clés : aucun

L'équipe du LNIT a publié la 1ère série mondiale portant sur 100 patients malades du Covid-19 consécutifs ayant bénéficié d'un angioscanner thoracique au CHU de Besançon du fait de signes cliniques de gravité. 23 avaient une embolie pulmonaire aiguë. L'embolie était corrélée à la sévérité de l'extension du Covid-19 évaluée sur les coupes de scanner thoracique. L'embolie pulmonaire était diagnostiquée en moyenne 12,3 jours après le début des symptômes, et était un facteur de risque indépendant de ventilation mécanique. Cette étude confirme que les phénomènes thrombo-emboliques sont plus fréquents qu'on ne l'imaginait. L'embolie pulmonaire doit être recherchée par angioscanner thoracique dès qu'il existe des signes cliniques de gravité, afin d'être traitée efficacement."

Références de l'article :

Acute Pulmonary Embolism Associated with COVID-19 Pneumonia Detected by Pulmonary CT Angiography.

Grillet F, Behr J, Calame P, Aubry S, Delabrousse E.

Radiology. 2020 Apr 23:201544. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2020201544. PMID: 32324103

Guest Editors of Materials

We are organizing a Special Issue around advanced materials  for Micro / Nano / Bio-Devices and Their Applications. The link to the web site of  Special Issue is : Special Issue "Advanced Materials for Micro/Nano/Bio-Devices and Their Applications"

Download the special issue flyer here : Special Issue Flyer

Guest Editors : Dr Réda YAHIAOUI  ,  Dr Guillaume HERLEM




International Network for Translating Research on Perinatal Derivatives into Therapeutic Approaches (SPRINT)

Rédigé par Florelle Gindraux Classé dans : Events Mots clés : cost, sprint

The International Network for Translating Research on Perinatal Derivatives into Therapeutic Approaches - SPRINT is a COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology) project that allows excellent researchers and clinicians in the field of innovation to cooperate and jointly develop their ideas in scientific and technology sectors. The SPRINT project, proposed and coordinated by Professor Ornella Parolini (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy), brings together experts in terms of academic, clinical, and industrial knowledge from over 25 international countries, in order to improve the basic understanding and the clinical translation of perinatal derivatives. In the last decade different perinatal derivatives (such as placenta-derived cells and the bioactive factors secreted by these cells), have proven to be therapeutically effective. This research field is growing rapidly and its importance is supported by recent clinical studies carried out in Europe and worldwide. SPRINT deals with different issues that need to be faced in order to ensure optimal research results and interpretation of clinical trial data. These include obtaining consensus for the nomenclature and for the optimal techniques for the isolation, characterization, cryopreservation, and expansion of perinatal derivatives. SPRINT also addresses more complex issues, such as the understanding of mechanisms and therapeutic actions of perinatal derivatives and the collection of basic research data useful for designing clinical trials. Furthermore, SPRINT helps to identify research gaps so as to guide future research on perinatal derivatives and streamline translation to the clinic. This project develops a platform for the exchange of ideas and methods and for the training of young researchers. The results obtained from this COST Action will increment the impact of the research on public and private decision-making bodies, on Patient Associations, and also on local communities.

Lire la suite de International Network for Translating Research on Perinatal Derivatives into Therapeutic Approaches (SPRINT)