Guillaume Herlem

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HERLEM Guillaume

Dr-HDR CNU n°33

Mail : prenom.nom(at)

Phone pro : 03 81 66 63 70


I participated in the creation of a new research structure in 2011 that combines, modeling physicists and opticians, physicists-chemists, chemists in galenics and hospital practitioners (medical imaging) to open up on nanomedicine. Beyond the affinities of all the players of this laboratory for nanomedicine, this is a real risk-taking in the French scientific landscape because it brings together many skills to achieve an original research structure. It is through collaborations with these colleagues that we have wanted to set up a new research structure, based on our skills and projects, since 1 January 2012 (rated A overall and A-in research). My ambition is to be able to answer medical questions on the basis of my physics-chemistry skills, thanks to the expertise of doctors at the CHU, on realistic ground and show that it is possible to conduct multidisciplinary research projects.


More broadly, during my 20 years of research as a Senior Lecturer (MCU), in an original way, I focused on:

  1. elucidate new (electrochemical) polymerization reactions. Indeed, I have discovered and characterized that bifunctional aliphatic molecules (groups A and B, see diagram opposite) can be electropolymerized on many electrode materials

  2. apply these polymers to different themes: energy storage, thin-film surface functionalization, sensors and biosensors. In the case of (bio)sensors, these polymers can better discriminate analytes either directly leveraging their chelatant properties with metals or by using them to overreact molecules or macromolecules directly targeting the analyte. I use the means made available locally such as the MIMENTO microtechnical platform, the clean room of Franche-Comté, which is one of the 5 clean rooms of the technical network RENATER in France.

  3. better discriminate analytes by coupling several techniques embedded in (bio)sensors dedicated to chemistry (bio)analytics

  4. model and interpret experimental results through modeling calculations (DFT, docking, CHARMM molecular dynamics).

  5. Use my chemistry- physics skills in the world of medicine and nanoscience to engage in Nanomedicine

Since my tenure as MCU in 1998, I have participated in or supervised contracts (14), often with an industrial partner, which has resulted in more than 1.5 million euros of funding for my research and that of my collaborators.


  • H. BELKAHLA, G. HERLEM, F. PICAUD, T. GHARBI, M. HEMADI, S. AMMAR, O. MICHEAU “TRAIL-NP hybrids for cancer therapy: A review “, Nanoscale, accepté, mars 2017.
  • A. KANDORY, H. CATTEY, L. SAVIOT, T. GHARBI, J. VIGNERON, M. FREGNAUX, A. ETCHEBERRY, G. HERLEM "Direct Writing on Copper Ion Doped Silica Films by Electrogeneration of Metallic Microstructures", J. Phys Chem. C (2017), accepté, open access.
  • E. YUSIFLI, R. YAHIAOUI, S. MIAN QAISAR, M. ADDOUCHE, B. AL-MAHDAWI, H. BOUROUINA, G. HERLEM, T. GHARBI, "FPGA-based HD camera system for the Micropositioning of biomedical micro-objects using a contactless micro-conveyor", Micromachines, 8(3), 2017, 74; doi:10.3390/mi8030074, open access.
  • F. DUFOUR, T. RATTIER, S. SHIRLEY, G. PICARDA, A. MORLÉ, A.-B. ZAKARIA, G. MARCION, E. HUMBLIN, S. CAUSSE,, E. SZEGEZDI, Z. DIRK, R. SEIGNEURIC, G. GUICHARD, F. PICAUD, G. HERLEM, C. GARRIDO, P. SCHNEIDER, C. A. BENEDICT, O. MICHEAU, “N-glycosylation of mouse TRAIL-R and human TRAIL-R1 enhances TRAIL-induced death”, Cell Death and Differentiation (2017).
  • T. ALHEDABI, H. CATTEY, C. ROUSSEL, V. BLONDEAU-PATISSIER, T. GHARBI, G. HERLEM, “Experimental and theoretical studies on electropolymerization of polar amino acids on platinum electrode”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 185 (2017), 183-194.
  • G. HERLEM, A. KANDORY, R. KINGHAT TANGOU, T. GHARBI, H. CATTEY, M. KNORR, A. KHATYR, "Electrochemical deposition of a luminescent alkoxysilyl-based fluorenone film with halide sensitivity", J. Solid State Sci. & Tech., (2017) 6 (1), R7-R13.
  • H. BOUROUINA, R. YAHIAOUI, E. YUSIFLI, M. EL AMINE BENAMAR, K. GHOUMID, G. HERLEM, “Shear effect on dynamic behavior of microcantilever beam with manufacturing process defects”, Microsyst. Technol. (2016), DOI 10.1007/s00542-016-3078-x.
  • A.-B. ZAKARIA, F. PICAUD, Y.-C. GUILLAUME, T. GHARBI, O. MICHEAU, G. HERLEM, “ Enhanced DR5 binding capacity of nanovectorized TRAIL compared to its cytotoxic version by affinity chromatography and molecular docking studies”, J. Molecular Recognition 29(9) (2016) 406-414, DOI: 10.1002/jmr.2539.
  • A. KANDORY, R. YAHIAOUI, E. HERTH, H. CATTEY, T. GHARBI, G. HERLEM, “ Electrogeneration of diiodoaurate in dimethylsulfoxide on gold substrate and localized patterning”, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 11 (2016) 7540–7552, doi: 10.20964/2016.09.58, open access.
  • L. ISMAILI, G. HERLEM, F. PICAUD, “Synthesis, regioselectivity and DFT-analysis of new antioxidant pyrazolo[4,3-c] quinoline-3,4-diones” Monatshefte fur Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 147 (6) 1069-1079 (2016).
  • A.-B. ZAKARIA, F. PICAUD, E. DUVERGER, X. DEVAUX, E. DELABROUSSE, T. GHARBI, O. MICHEAU, G. HERLEM, “Nanovector formation by functionalization of TRAIL ligand on single-walled carbon nanotube: Experimental and theoretical evidences”, Chem. Phys. Letters, 633, 273-281 (2015).
  • A.-B. ZAKARIA, F. PICAUD, M. PUDLO, L. SAVIOT, R. CHASSAGNON, J. LHERMINIER, T. GHARBI, O. MICHEAU, G. HERLEM, “Nanovectorization of TRAIL with single wall carbon nanotubes for promising enhanced targeted delivery against “in vitro” cancer cells”, NanoLett. 15 (2), 891–895 (2015). DOI: 10.1021/nl503565t.
  • G. HERLEM, O. ANGOUE, T. GHARBI, H. BOULAHDOUR, “Electrochemistry of Pertechnetate on Ultramicroelectrode: a New Quality Control for Radiopharmaceuticals Manufactured at Hospital in Nuclear Medicine”, Electrochem. Comm. 51, 76-80 (2015).
  • T. ALHEDABI, G. HERLEM, H. CATTEY, V. BLONDEAU-PATISSIER, T. GHARBI, « Electrosynthesis of Poly(alanine)-like Peptides in Concentrated Alanine Based Electrolytes, Characterization Coupled to DFT Study and Application to pH Proton Receptor”, J. Phys. Chem. C 118(14), 25041-25050 (2014).
  • O. BOULANOUAR, A. KHATYR, G. HERLEM, F. PALMINO, L. SANCHE, M. FROMM, “Soft Adsorption of Densely Packed Multi-Layer [DNA Plasmid – 1,3-diaminopropane] Complexes onto Hyghly Oriented Pyrolitic Graphite designed to Erode in Water”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115 (43), 21291–21298.
  • F. PICAUD, G. HERLEM, C. GIRARDET, “Control of carbon nanotube handedness using a supramolecular chiral surface”, J. Chem. Phys. 135, 154703 (2011).
  • C. ANDRÉ, G. HERLEM, T. GHARBI, Y.-C. GUILLAUME, “A New Arginase Enzymatic Reactor: Development and Application for the Research of plant - derived Inhibitors”, J. Pharm. & Biomed. Anal., 55, 1, 48-53 (2011).
  • A. ANTONIOU, G. HERLEM, C. ANDRÉ, Y.-C. GUILLAUME, T. GHARBI, “Simple method for detection of extremely diluted anti beta-casein antibodies from glass bead based receptors”, Talanta, 84, 3, 632-637 (2011).
  • C. ANDRÉ, F. IBRAHIM, T. GHARBI, G. HERLEM, Y.-C. GUILLAUME, “Experimental studies of OH° radical/pressure dependence of arginase activity using a molecular chromatography approach”, Journal of Chromatography B, 878, 28, 2826-2830 (2010).
  • G. HERLEM, R. ZEGGARI, J.-Y. RAUCH, S. MONNEY, F. TORREALBA ANZOLA, Y. GUILLAUME, C. ANDRÉ, T. GHARBI, “One-pot electrosynthesis of polyglycine-like thin film on platinum electrodes as transducer for solid state pH measurements”, Talanta, 82, 1, 417-421 (2010).
  • O. SEGUT, G. HERLEM, B. LAKARD, V. BLONDEAU-PATISSIER, M. NARDIN, S. GREE, J.-Y. RAUCH, “Electrochemically deposited polyethylenimine films and their characterization”, Synthetic Metals, 160, 11-12, 1359-1364 (2010).
  • G. HERLEM, T. GHARBI, N. BEN SEDRINE, “Analyzing ab initio infrared spectra and electronic properties of polyethylenimine water complexes in the solid state”, J. Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 945, 1-3, 15, 27-32 (2010).
  • G. HERLEM, S. MONNEY, V. BLONDEAU-PATISSIER, B. FAHYS, T. GHARBI « Electrocatalyzed synthesis of polypeptides on platinum surface in concentrated glycine electrolytes and ab initio calculations coupled to spectroscopic analysis », Electrochimica Acta, 54, 27, 6797-6802 (2009).
  • G. HERLEM, O. SEGUT, A. ANTONIOU, C. ACHILLEOS, D. DUPONT, V. BLONDEAU-PATISSIER, T. GHARBI « Electrodeposition and characterization of silane thin films from 3-(aminopropyl) triethoxysilane », SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 202, 8, 1437–1442 (2008).
  • B. LAKARD, G. HERLEM, B. FAHYS « Electrochemical polymerization of 1,2-ethanedithiol as a new way to synthesize polyethylenedisulfide », POLYMER, 49, 7, 1743–1747 (2008).
  • B. LAKARD, O. SEGUT, S. LAKARD, G. HERLEM, T. GHARBI « Potentiometric miniaturized pH sensors based on polypyrrole films », SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 122, 1,. 101–108 (2007).
  • D. DIABATE, G. HERLEM, A. YAPO, A. TROKOUREY, A. KONE, B. FAHYS, “Study of structural and electronic properties of polyethylenimine hemihydrates”, Physical & Chemical News, 37, 122-126, 2007.
  • S. LAKARD, N. MORRAND-VILLENEUVE, E. LESNIEWSKA, B. LAKARD, G. MICHEL, G. HERLEM, T. GHARBI, B. FAHYS « Synthesis of polymer materials for use as cell culture substrates », ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 53, 3, 1114–1126 (2007).
  • O. SEGUT, B. LAKARD, G. HERLEM, J.-Y. RAUCH, J.-C. JEANNOT, L. ROBERT, B. FAHYS « Development of miniaturized pH biosensors based on electrosynthesized polymer films », ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA, 597, 2, 313–321 (2007).
  • O MESKINI, R M’GHAIETH, G HERLEM, B FAHYS, A ABDELGHANI, N JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, L PONSONNET « Electric isolation of porous silicon by electro generated polyethylenimine film, comparison to thermal oxide », MATERIALS SCIENCE& ENGINEERING C-BIOMIMETIC AND SUPRAMOLECULAR SYSTEMS, 26, 2-3, 559–563, (2006).
  • P TRAN-VAN, G HERLEM, B FAHYS, E KWA, T DIACO, M HERLEM « Anomalous high salt conductivity in primary diamines as solvents », JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, 123, 2-3, 105–109 (2006).
  • A.-M. GONÇALVES, P TRAN-VAN, G HERLEM, E KWA, B FAHYS, M HERLEM « New Potential Candidates for Redox Battery Using Liquid Ammoniates : Na+/Na and Ag+/Ag », Portugalia electrochem. Acta, 24, 117–127 (2006).
  • B LAKARD, G HERLEM, S LAKARD, R GUYETANT, B FAHYS « Potentiometric pH sensors based on electrodeposited polymers », POLYMER, 46, no. 26, pp. 12233–12239 (2005).
  • B. LAKARD, J.-C. JEANNOT, M SPAJER, G HERLEM, M. DE LABACHELERIE, P. BLIND, B. FAHYS « Fabrication of a miniaturized cell using microsystem technologies for electrochemical applications », ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 50, 9, 1863–1869 (2005).
  • S LAKARD, G HERLEM, N VALLES-VILLAREAL, G MICHEL, A PROPPER, T GHARBI, B FAHYS « Culture of neural cells on polymers coated surfaces for biosensor applications », BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, 20, 10, 1946–1954 (2005).
  • S PICAUD, PNM HOANG, G HERLEM « A molecular dynamics simulation of the electrical conductivity behaviors of highly concentrated liquid ammoniates NaI•NH3: Comparison with experimental measurements », JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 2004 122, 17 (2005).
  • G HERLEM, B LAKARD « Ab initio study of the electronic and structural properties of the crystalline polyethylenimine polymer », JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 120, 19, 9376–9382 (2004).
  • B LAKARD, G HERLEM, M DE LABACHELERIE,W DANIAU, G MARTIN, JC JEANNOT, L ROBERT, B FAHYS « Miniaturized pH biosensors based on electrochemically modified electrodes with biocompatible polymers », BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, 19,. 6, 595–606 (2004).
  • B LAKARD, G HERLEM, S LAKARD, A ANTONIOU, B FAHYS « Urea potentiometric biosensor based on modified electrodes with urease immobilized on polyethylenimine films » BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, 19, 12, 1641–1647 (2004).
  • S LAKARD, G HERLEM, B LAKARD, B FAHYS « Theoretical study of the vibrational spectra of polyethylenimine and polypropylenimine », JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 685, 1-3, 83–87 (2004).
  • S LAKARD, G HERLEM, B LAKARD, M HERLEM, T GHARBI, B FAHYS, « Elaboration of transparent polymeric films trapping copper ions by complexation », JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 151, 4,. C245–C249 (2004).
  • S LAKARD, G HERLEM, A PROPPER, A KASTNER, G MICHEL, N VALLES-VILLARREAL, T GHARBI, B FAHYS « Adhesion and proliferation of cells on new polymers modified biomaterials », BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY, 62, 1, 19–27 (2004).
  • P TRAN-VAN, G HERLEM, E KWA-KOFFI, T DIACO, B FAHYS, M HERLEM « A new relation from the HSAB theory for predicting the conductivity maxima of salts in nonaqueous solvents », JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, 115, 2-3, 121–125 (2004).
  • G HERLEM, B LAKARD, P DAMAY, F LECLERCQ, S PICAUD, PNM HOANG « Combined elastic neutron scattering experiments and molecular dynamics simulations on the concentrated liquid electrolyte NaI•3.3NH3 », JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, 108, 1-3, 1–19 (2003).
  • B LAKARD, G HERLEM, S LAKARD, B FAHYS « Ab initio study of the polymerization mechanism of poly(p-phenylenediamine) », JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 638,. 177–187 (2003).
  • F. DJAPA, K CIAMALA, JM MELOT, J VEBREL G HERLEM « Stereochemical and electronic features of the [3+2] cycloaddition of pentafulvenes with acylnitrones », JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-PERKIN TRANSACTIONS, 1, 687–695 (2002).
  • G HERLEM, P TRAN-VAN, P MARQUE, S FANTINI, JF PENNEAU, B FAHYS, M HERLEM « New handy relationship between the conductivity of concentrated nonaqueous electrolyte solutions and the dielectric constant and viscosity of the solvents », JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES, 107, 1, 80–89 (2002).
  • M HERLEM, B FAHYS, G HERLEM, B LAKARD, K REYBIER, A TROKOUREY, T DIACO, S ZAIRI, N JAFFREZIC RENAULT « Surface modification of p-Si by a polyethylenimine coating : influence of the surface pretreatment. Application to a potentiometric transducer as pH sensor », ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 47, 16, 2597–2602 (2002).
  • B LAKARD, G HERLEM, B FAHYS « Ab initio study of the electrochemical polymerization mechanism leading from DETA to PEI », JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 593, pp. 133–141 (2002).
  • B LAKARD, G HERLEM, B FAHYS « Ab initio and DFT study of aliphatic diamines », JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE-THEOCHEM, 584, 15–36 (2002).
  • B LAKARD, G HERLEM, M HERLEM, A ETCHEBERRY, J MORVAN, B FAHYS « Spectroscopic and ab initio study of polymeric films used as chemical sensors », SURFACE SCIENCE, 502, 296–303, (2002).
  • G HERLEM, S FANTINI, P TRAN-VAN, B FAHYS, P GODANI, E SUTTER, AM GONCALVES, C MATHIEU, M HERLEM « Cathodic behavior of liquid ammonia solutions of titanium tetraiodide at room temperature », JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 148, 7, D94–D95 (2001).
  • G HERLEM, B LAKARD, M HERLEM, B FAHYS « pH sensing at Pt electrode surfaces coated with linear polyethylenimine from anodic polymerization of ethylenediamine », JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 148, 11, E435–E438 (2001).
  • M HERLEM, M SZEKELY, E SUTTER, C MATHIEU, AM GONCALVES, E CAILLOT, G HERLEM, B FAHYS « Liquid ammoniates : nonaqueous electrolytes for electrochromism », ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 46, 19, 2967–2973 (2001).
  • B LAKARD, G HERLEM, B FAHYS « Ab initio study of the electrochemical polymerization mechanism of omega-diamines », JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 115, 15, 7219–7226 (2001).
  • B LAKARD, G HERLEM, B FAHYS, M DE LA BACHELERIE, W DANIAU, G MARTIN « Chemical and biological sensors based on modified electrodes with electropolymerized diamines », MICROREATION TECHNOLOGY, 561–571 (2001).
  • K REYBIER, S ZAIRI, N JAFFREZIC-RENAULT, G HERLEM, A TROKOUREY, B FAHYS « Polyethyleneimine as a pH sensitive film for potentiometric transducers », MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING CBIOMIMETICAND SUPRAMOLECULAR SYSTEMS, 14, 1-2, 47–53 (2001).
  • G HERLEM, K REYBIER, A TROKOUREY, B FAHYS « Electrochemical oxidation of ethylenediamine : New way to make polyethyleneimine-like coatings on metallic or semiconducting materials » JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY, 147, 2, 597–601 (2000).
  • G HERLEM, B FAHYS, M HERLEM, J.-F. PENNEAU « A new relation between the maxima conductivities of nonaqueous concentrated electrolytes and chemical hardness of solvents and salts », JOURNAL OF SOLUTION CHEMISTRY, 28, 3, 223–235 (1999).
  • G HERLEM, C GOUX, B FAHYS, F DOMINATI, AM GONCALVES, C MATHIEU, E SUTTER, A TROKOUREY, J.-F. PENNEAU « Surface modification of platinum and gold electrodes by anodic oxidation of pure ethylenediamine », JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 435, 1-2, 259–265 (1997).
  • G HERLEM, B FAHYS, M SZEKELY, E SUTTER, C MATHIEU, M HERLEM, J.-F. PENNEAU « N-butylamine as solvent for lithium salt electrolytes. Structure and properties of concentrated solutions », ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, 41, 17, 2753–2760 (1996).

BOOK Chapter

  • G. HERLEM, H. BOULHADOUR, A. ANTONIOU, F. TORREALBA ANZOLA, T. GHARBI, « One-pot electrosynthesis of polypeptides on surfaces in concentrated amino acid based electrolytes. Study of concentrated glycine based electrolytes and application to solid pH sensor », W. Vojak Ed., Nova Publishers Ed. NY, USA.

  • G. HERLEM, H. BOULHADOUR, F. TORREALBA, C. ANDRE, Y. GUILLAUME, A. ANTONIOU, T. GHARBI, “Electrodeposition of Insulating Thin Film Polymers from Aliphatic Monomers as Transducers for Biosensor Applications”, InTech Ed.

  • G HERLEM, T. GHARBI, “ Electrodeposition of insulating thin film polymers from aliphatic monomers as transducers for biosensor applications ”, InTech - Open Access Publisher (2011).

  • G HERLEM, B LAKARD ET AL., « Anodic oxidation of ω amines for new polymer modified electrodes », Recent Res. Devel. Electroanal. Chem, 3, 21-33, Ed. Transworld Research Network, ISBN 81-7895-010-3 (2001).

  • LAKARD, G HERLEM, B. FAHYS, M. DE LABACHELERIE, W. DANIAU AND G. MARTIN, « Chemical and biological sensors based on modified electrodes with electropolymerized diamines », Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Microreaction Technology, ISBN-13: 978-3540424987, Springer verlag, Berlin (2001).


  • G. Herlem, T. Gharbi, “Method and facility for treating cork”, brevet européen EP2906397 A1, dépôt le 15/10/2013. Publication le 19/08/2015.

  • G. Herlem, T. Gharbi, P. Humbert, « System for detecting at least one chemical substance » EP1535060 (2004).

  • G. Herlem, T. Gharbi, P. Humbert, « System for detecting at least one chemical substance », US P.A.20060121598 (2003).

  • G. Herlem, T. Gharbi, P. Humbert, « Bio-nez : système de détection d’au moins une substance chimique », FR2842604 (2002).

  • G. Herlem, « Biosensor and method for making same, »PCT/FR2001/001133. (2001).

  • G. Herlem, « Biosensor and method for making same », WO/2001/077656. (2001).

  • G. Herlem, J-F. Penneau, F. Capitaine. « Double layer high power capacitor comprising a liquid organic electrolyte », WO1998035369(1998).

  • G. Herlem, J-F. Penneau , F. Capitaine. « Supercondensateur du type double couche comprenant un électrolyte organique liquide », PCT PCT/FR1998/000211(1997).