About Master APAS

Objectives : Prepare future executives, in the field of adapted physical activity and health, to exercise responsibilities for design, organization, development, promotion, management and evaluation of APA projects in relation to health within a structure (establishment, local authorities, health network, mutual insurance companies, etc.) or in the individual's living environment for the purposes of prevention, education or rehabilitation.


The lessons deepen knowledge of the pathological subject and the effects of physical exercise on the physiological, neuro-muscular and psychological levels (clinical and social aspects).

These lessons allow us to understand the optimal adaptation capacities of individuals and the benefits of regular practice in different pathologies/deficiencies (neuromotor, locomotor, physiological, metabolic: obesity, diabetes, neuro-degenerative diseases, cancer, elderly people, etc.). .).

This training also integrates strong skills in supervision of physical activity programs and assessment of physical capacities (methodology and benefits/risks).


This training is offered on a work-study basis. This openness to work-study allows graduates to better adapt and integrate their teaching activities in APA-Health, their projects into the professional framework of practice and the societal context. It allows companies/establishments to benefit from the framework of formalized relations with the University for better monitoring of the apprentice-training-company link. From this perspective, the transmission of skills (from knowledge, know-how to professional know-how), and their operational implementation adapted to the patient/practitioner are major challenges for companies/establishments. In addition to strengthening the employability of the apprentice, the alternation between theoretical and practical training constitutes an excellent way to develop and expand the professional experience of the future manager in APA-Health.


  • Analyze the specific needs of a group of users in a particular context and identify health problems through in-depth knowledge of the targeted populations.
  • Ensure the valorization and implementation of research.
  • Ensure scientific monitoring.
  • Design and implement individual or group physical activity programs for health.
  • Control the risks linked to physical activity in connection with concepts of health to manage a project, a health program relating to physical activities.
  • Master the ethical, ethical and legal frameworks of the different contexts concerned.
  • Master the application of the results, methods, programs, tools and concepts of physical activity sciences with the aim of health, quality of life and/or social participation of a population with specific needs (illness, disability situation , aging, population at risk).
  • Master the interaction between the benefits and risks of physical activity for health.
  • Master access to technological innovations, emerging practices and social transformations and develop your professional network.

Further information :


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjckqT3s_OEAxWjVaQEHdpwDMMQFnoECAcQAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fu-sports.univ fcomte.fr%2Fdownload%2Fusports%2Fdocument%2Fformation%2Ffiches-formation-2022%2Fmaster-staps-apas.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1_pmUAoRJ8TsGZQhA2v0wY&opi=89978449