Cathy Meunier
Rédigé par Cathy Meunier
Classé dans : Personnels
Meunier Cathy
Dr- HDR CNU 33
mél :
Equipe de recherche : Ingéniérie pour la santé
Responsabilités :
- Médecine
- Enseignement
- Recherche
Principaux thèmes de recherche :
- Matériaux
- Couches minces
- Applications biomédicales
- Applications techniques
Principales publications des 5 dernières années
- Effect on microstructure and hardness of 1 MeV carbon ion implantation in Al, Co and W, C. Meunier, S. Vives, F. Munnik, G. Berthout, S. Mikhailov, Surface & Coatings Technology 262 (2015) 191–199
- "Defect cluster arrangements and oxygen vacancy migration in Gd doped ceria for different interatomic potentials" S.Vives, C.Meunier, Solid State Ionics 283 (2015) 137-144.
- "Static Force Fields Simulations of Reduced CeO2 (110) Surface: Structure and Adsorption of H2O Molecule" S.Vives, C.Meunier, Surface Science 668 (2018) 7-16
- "Molecular dynamics study in the Ce0.9M0.1O1.95 (M=Gd, Sm) doped and co-doped CeO2 systems: Structure and oxygen diffusion" S. Vives, D. Ramel, C. Meunier, Ceramics International 45 (2019) 21625–21634.